When her son dies, Kisa Gotami goes from house to house. What does she ask for? Does she get it? Why not?

When Kisa Gotami’s son dies, she goes from house to house being despondent and asking people for medicine that can bring her son back to life. The people remark that she has lost her senses because the boy is dead. No one could help her because nothing can revive the dead.

When her son dies, Kisa Gotami goes from house to house

What is Kisa Gotami searching for after her son's death?
(a) Medicine to cure her son's illness
(b) Medicine that can bring her son back to life
(c) Comfort and solace from her grief
(d) A new home to escape from her sorrow


(b) Medicine that can bring her son back to life

Why is Kisa Gotami unable to find anyone to help her?
(a) Because everyone is busy with their own lives
(b) Because she is unable to communicate her request effectively
(c) Because nothing can revive the dead
(d) Because she is searching in the wrong places


(c) Because nothing can revive the dead

How do the people respond to Kisa Gotami's request for medicine?
(a) They sympathize with her and offer support
(b) They provide her with the medicine she seeks
(c) They tell her she has lost her senses because her son is dead
(d) They promise to revive her son through prayers


(c) They tell her she has lost her senses because her son is dead

What does Kisa Gotami understand the second time that she failed to understand the first time?

Kisa Gotami went door to door asking for mustard seeds in a desperate attempt to bring her son back to life. However, she soon realized that death is a universal experience, as every household she visited had experienced loss. This realization helped her come to terms with her grief and understand the nature of life and death.