What was unusal about M. Hamel’s dress and behaviour on the day of his last French lesson?

The Last Lesson, Class 12 English Flamingo

Mr. Hamel was unusally dressed in a beautiful green coat, a frilled shirt and a little black cap on his head. He never wore this attire except on inspection and prize days. But that day deserved such a special suit because it was going to be his last lesson in French and from the next day onward, Germany would assert its political rights over Alsace and Lorraine.

What was unusal about M. Hamel’s dress and behaviour on the day of his last French lesson?

Why was the particular day significant for Mr. Hamel?
(a) It was his birthday
(b) It was his last day of teaching French
(c) It was a national holiday
(d) It was his wedding anniversary


(b) It was his last day of teaching French

What significant event was happening the next day in Alsace and Lorraine?
(a) A cultural festival
(b) A religious ceremony
(c) Germany would assert its political rights
(d) France would declare independence


(c) Germany would assert its political rights

What changes did Franz notice in M. Hamel when he entered the class?

Mr. Hamel was deeply pained at the order from Berlin. He felt a profound sadness when he received the order to stop teaching French. His love for France and the French language was evident in his heartfelt emotions and ceremonial dress on the day of his final lesson. He wore the ceremonial dress. He addressed all as his children. He lost his usual courage and leaned against the wall when the wrote ‘school is closed, you may go.'