How did Valli gathered all the information about the bus?

Valli spent a lot of time observing and listening to her neighbors and bus riders, paying close attention to their conversations. She also discreetly asked questions to gather information about the bus schedule, routes, and other important details. Through this approach, she gathered all the information about the bus.

How did Valli gathered all the information about the bus?

How did Valli gather information about the bus schedule and routes?
(a) By conducting surveys
(b) By observing and listening to her neighbors and bus riders
(c) By reading the newspaper
(d) By asking the bus driver directly


(b) By observing and listening to her neighbors and bus riders

How can you say that the conductor was a good natured jolly fellow? Support your answer with examples.

The conductor of the bus was a good natured fellow, with pleasant manners. He was concerned that such a small girl was travelling to town alone and took care that she was comfortably seated. When Valli objected to being treated as a child, he took it in good spirit and jokingly addressed her Madam. His behavior, thus, reflects the congeniality of his nature.